Safely handling student transportation since 1989.

We are ready to help your students get to school, as well as providing transportation for school sport events, and field trips.

You need to DOWNLOAD the form,  complete and SAVE the form and then click SUBMIT.

Proud to partner with Crosby-Ironton School District 182 and Crosslake Community School for the safe and timely transportation of students.

Safety First

Following the school day, students will board their bus immediately after dismissal and remain on the bus. We wish to keep the number of students who miss their bus to a minimum and prevent any accidents. Students are not to be near school pick-up points until buses have arrived and stopped. Any student who misses his/her bus should go to the school office, where they may call their parents for a ride home. If it is necessary to change your child’s after school plan, please contact the District 182’s school office before 2:00 pm at 218-545-8800. Crosslake Community School can be reached at ​218-692-5437.


  • Yes, The Stopfinder App is how we communicate with our families regarding bus stop locations and times.

    Parents can also send messages to our office regarding changes in busing needs.

    Call or email the office for additional help.

  • No.

    • Crosby-Ironton Transportation has implementing a policy of only one pick-up and drop-off location per family. We cannot go over capacity on buses and will not honor requests for students to ride to or from another location other than what their transportation record shows.

    • We will allow split custody families to have a different pick-up and drop-off location for each parent. We will also allow a pick-up at home and a drop-off at another location of choice or vice versa.

    • We know this might cause some hardships for some families but needs to be done to provide seamless transportation for our students.

    Thank you for your understanding. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or issues. (218-546-6156)

    C-I Transportation

  • No, We are running buses at close to full capacity. If you are planning an after school gathering with students that do not normally ride your child’s bus, you must make other transportation arrangements.

  • If you believe your student has misplaced an item on the bus. Call our office and we can check with the route driver, activity bus or our lost and found bin.

  • If your family is going out of town for any period of time, please contact our office and let us know the dates. we will pass the information on to the driver.

  • If there is a delayed start to school you should be notified by the schools notification system. To receive the information, the district must have your current information. phone # and email

  • Watch for notifications from the schools phone system, Facebook, radio and TV news stations. If there are NO announcements, make sure your students are properly dressed for the weather.

  • As a general rule, bus stops are not front door service.

  • There are instances where a bus may turn around in a driveway or close to your home. If you are one of these lucky families, your driveway must be maintained. This applies to regular education and special education bus routes.

  • In town stops are centrally located based on current students locations. Your student may have a short distance to walk to the bus stop. Make sure they are dressed for the weather.

    If you live out of town, your bus stop will be at the end of your driveway.

  • No. If your road does not have a adequate sized turn-around location or is a private road. Turn-around locations will be evaluated as needed to determine if we can go down the road.

We’re in need of school bus and van drivers! Apply today.

“I love greeting the kids each day and take pride in contributing to such a great community”

Amanda Spatafore