For Your Safety

  • Immediately follow the directions of the driver, assistant, any supervising adult.

  • Sit in your assigned seat facing forward. Remain seated at all times while the bus is moving. (Minnesota State Law) No person shall stand when the bus is in motion.

    No disruptive behavior, horseplay, bullying, teasing, harassment, intimidation, fighting, physical action against another person, or action that would distract the driver.

  • Respect other students and their personal belongings. Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself. Do not throw, shoot or toss any object.

  • Use appropriate language and talk quietly using your “inside voice.” No profanity or obscene gestures.

  • Keep all parts of your body and belongings inside the bus.

  • Keep prohibited items off the bus (i.e. weapons as described in Dist. 182’s Policy Handbook, explosives/flammables, live animals or insects, glass items, large recreational/sport items, and musical instruments that are too large to be held on the lap or put in a student’s own seat area).

  • No eating or drinking on the bus. Keep the bus litter free and do not block exits.

  • Keep the bus litter free and do not block exits.

 Policy and Discipline

Decisions regarding a student’s ability to ride the bus in connection with co-curricular and extra-curricular events (for example, field trips or competitions) will be to the sole discretion of the school district. Parents or guardians will be notified of any suspension of bus privileges.

  • 1st Offense: Warning
    2nd Offense: One school-day suspension from riding the bus.
    3rd Offense: 5 school-day suspension from riding the bus.
    4th Offense: 45 school-day suspension from riding the bus and meeting with parents.
    Further Offenses: Individually considered. Students may be suspended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the school year.

  • *Denotes behavior which could also be considered a major infraction
    • Refusing to obey driver
    • Not following safety procedures of bus
    • Out of seat while bus is moving
    • Blocking aisle or door
    • Head, hands, objects out of window
    • Spitting
    • Tripping
    • Fighting
    • Swearing, profane language, any sexual gestures
    • Littering, throwing objects through window
    • Repeatedly interrupting bus driver, making unnecessary noise
    • Teasing others on the bus, thus leading to more noise and fights
    • Threats or embarrassment to others
    • Necking or sexual physical contact*
    • Rubber bands*

  • • Fighting
    • Spitting
    • Disrespect to driver – insubordination
    • Alcohol
    • Chemicals
    • Tobacco in any form
    • Weapons
    • Explosives
    • Vandalism - destroying property of others or the bus
    • Theft
    • Animals without prior permission of bus contractor or driver

  • 1st Offense: Warning
    2nd Offense: 5 school-day suspension from riding the bus.
    3rd Offense: 90 school-day suspension from riding the bus.
    Further Offenses: Individually considered. Students may be suspended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the school year.

Ridership Policy

As of 1/1/2024 we have implemented a NO Call, NO Show policy.

If your student(s) are scheduled on a bus route, we will stop at your scheduled location and time. If we stop for 5 consecutive days, and no one is at the bus stop, we will discontinue stopping until notified that transportation is needed.